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Result of AGM
RNS - London Stock Exchange | 08/06/2010

London & Associated Properties PLC (LAP)

LAP is pleased to announce that at the Company’s 70th Annual General Meeting
held on 7 June 2010 at The RAC Club, 89 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HS all ordinary
and special resolutions concerning ordinary business were duly passed.

Proxy votes were as follows:


Resolution 1
To approve and adopt the company’s annual report & accounts for the year ended
31 December 2009

Those in favour: 46,653,626
Discretion 71,392
Those against 9,361
Withheld 4,862,386

Resolution 2
To approve the remuneration report for the year ended 31 December 2009

Those in favour: 46,362,081
Discretion 49,026
Those against 323,272
Withheld 4,862,386

Resolution 3
To declare & approve a final dividend of 0.4 pence per share.

Those in favour: 46,676,899
Discretion 50,160
Those against 7,320
Withheld 4,862,386

Resolution 4
To re-elect as a director Mr M A Heller

Those in favour: 46,674,582
Discretion 50,160
Those against 9,637
Withheld 4,862,386

Resolution 5
To re-elect as a director Mr H D Goldring

Those in favour: 44,424,959
Discretion 50,160
Those against 9,637
Withheld 7,112,009

Resolution 6
To re-appoint Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP as auditors.

Those in favour: 46,674,582
Discretion 50,160
Those against 9,637
Withheld 4,862,386

Resolution 7
To authorise the directors to determine the remuneration of the auditors.

Those in favour: 46,673,403
Discretion 50,160
Those against 9,637
Withheld 4,863,565

Resolution 8
To authorise the directors to allot relevant securities.

Those in favour: 46,414,537
Discretion 50,110
Those against 269,732
Withheld 4,862,386

Resolution 9
In connection with the proposed Capitalisation Issue:

a. to give the directors authority to capitalise £672,000 of the Company’s
share premium account and apply this sum in up ordinary shares of 10 pence
each; and

b. to give the directors authority to allot Ordinary Shares

Those in favour: 46,421,687
Discretion 49,077
Those against 263,615
Withheld 4,862,386


Resolution 10
To empower the directors to disapply statutory pre-emption rights.

Those in favour: 46,374,207
Discretion 75,282
Those against 284,890
Withheld 4,862,386

Resolution 11
To authorise the company to make market purchases of its own shares.

Those in favour: 46,388,332
Discretion 49,026
Those against 297,021
Withheld 4,862,386

Copies of the Special Resolutions referred to above have been sent to the FSA
Document Viewing facility at:

The Financial Services Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
London E14 5HS
Telephone (020) 7066 1000

For further information, please contact:
Michael Stevens
London & Associated Properties PLC
Tel: 020 7415 5000 Date 8 June 2010